From avalanche response logbooks to record books, Rite in the Rain All-Weather Writing Products find their way around the world with outdoor professionals. These professionals have rigorous standards that their notes must conform to, and they certainly need water-resistant paper to survive the weather that they work in. Our All-Weather Loose Leaf Copier Paper is our best answer to this interesting challenge. Create a digital document with our pre-made template, laser print it onto our loose leaf copier paper, punch out the sheets, and bring them out to the field in one of our compact field binders. Enjoy unlimited flexibility, peerless water-resistance, and a practical form factor.
300 Pre-perforated 4-5/8″ x 7″
6-Hole punched loose leaf sheets for “Rite in the Rain” binders
Copy or laser print your own all weather-forms
No. 32 “Rite in the Rain” paper
150 White Sheets 8-1/2″ x 11″