
REA’s Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Test Prep with Online Practice Tests (2nd ed.)
Gets You Certified and in the Classroom!
“Unlike so many of the books on the market, this REA volume … is 100% up-to-date. This book is well-informed about all the changes that have been made to the Praxis exam…, and it discusses all the question formats that you will see on your Praxis exam.”
—Mike McGarry, Test Prep Instructor, Magoosh
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The Praxis Core tests are used to gauge the skills and content knowledge of candidates entering teacher preparation programs and are used for initial teacher certification in more than 30 states and U.S. territories, as well as the U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity.
REA’s Praxis: Core Academic Skills for Educators – Reading (5712), Writing (5722), and Mathematics (5732) test prep helps you master the information on this exam, bringing you one step closer to being certified to teach. It’s perfect for college students, out-of-state teachers, and career-changing professionals.
Completely aligned with the Common Core State Standards and written by seasoned test-prep experts, our study package contains in-depth reviews of all the reading, writing, and mathematics content tested on the Praxis Core exam.
A diagnostic test for each exam is offered online to help pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses. This test prep package includes 6 full-length practice tests (two each for reading, writing, and math – available both in the book and online) that cover every type of question, subject area, and skill tested on the exams. Are you a career changer or just need more brush-up on your math? Try our 4 math mini-tests.
The book’s online tests are timed and offer detailed scoring analysis and diagnostic tools so you can easily see where you need to focus your study.
This complete test prep package comes with a handy study schedule, self-evaluation grid, as well as REA’s proven test-taking tips and strategies.
Go with the test guide that the test prep pros at Magoosh say provides “high-quality instruction in all three subject areas.”
This test prep is a must-have for teacher candidates across the United States who want an extra edge on the Praxis Core tests!
From the Publisher
Publisher : Research & Education Association; Second Edition, Revised (April 15, 2019)
Language : English
Paperback : 560 pages
ISBN-10 : 0738612502
ISBN-13 : 978-0738612508
Item Weight : 2.1 pounds
Dimensions : 8 x 1 x 10 inches