You have before you a book that can be of the utmost assistance to you as you launch yourself on the talk circuit, or refine your existing practice. I know. Over the years thousands and thousands of would-be and already established speakers have successfully used this book.
Talk programs, you see, should be part of the repertoire of every aspiring human being. And why not?
• Talk programs make money in their own right. By following the many practical suggestions in this book, you’ll make more money. Often lots more money. Surely that will please you!
• Talk programs, properly handled, will build your perceived value as a professional. The world is divided into two parts: people who speak and the rest who listen. Which would you rather be?
• Ihlk programs can generate a ton of favorable publicity for you. Such publicity is valuable for several reasons, one, of course, being more speaking assignments. In addition, such programs often give you something that is in lamentably short supply in our increasingly “in your face” world: deference. I enjoy being catered to. Perhaps you like it, too. When you use the talk circuit to generate publicity you’re treated better. It’s as simple as that.
• Talk programs lead to many other benefits. You’ll get additional speaking assignments when you handle your speaking assignments well. You’ll get consulting business. You’ll be able to launch books and other information products and will also build other businesses in which you happen to have an interest. In short, talk programs are a wealth catalyst.
• Your talk programs will transform the lives of people who need you. Do you wish to do good? Do you wish to help make other people’s lives better? Then you are right to look to the talk circuit. Here you have the very real possibility of helping others, often vast numbers of others. What could be better, doing well by doing good? It’s a magical formula that never loses its charm… and the talk circuit helps make it all possible.
You’ll get all these things from this book. And more. You see, it’s direct, honest, practical, candid. Like having a good friend in the business who’s determined to help you succeed. For I am your friend, determined to help you succeed.
When you’re finished, as you use the practical wisdom I’m honored to share with you, stay in touch. I’m genuinely interested in how you get on… and on… and on! For you see, with this book in hand and a conscientious determination to use it faithfully, I’m betting on your long-term success!
Why I Wrote This Book
Workshops, seminars and lectures are a superb way of making money. I know. For many years now, I have been giving presentations at colleges and universities, trade associations, events organized by other entrepreneurs and at those I mount myself. If you know something, have the solution to someone else’s problem, have the expertise, technical dexterity, information and presentation skills, you ought to consider an occasional seminar or workshop. Even though you do only one or two a month, you can make thousands of dollars of additional income each year. Who couldn’t use that?
I say this as straightforwardly as I can: if you have technical proficiency of some kind and cannot make money from this book, it’s your own fault. If, however, you follow the many suggestions in these pages, you will succeed and your investment in this book will be returned thousands of times over.
What’s written on this subject tends to deal with independently-produced programs. I deal with that subject last for a very good reason. Independent programs can produce a terrific return on your investment — can. But they are for those who have extra money to risk and a good deal of experience in all facets of the talk business. I don’t advise anyone to start at that level, and I won’t advise you to do it either. This book gets as close to guaranteeing your success as any self-help book can. It lays out a comprehensive, comprehensible plan and mode
Publication date : July 8, 2016
Language : English
File size : 3014 KB
Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Sticky notes : On Kindle Scribe
Print length : 1160 pages