Because it’s high-quality paper,the writing feel is very smooth. It pairs perfectly with any writing instrument! In addition to studying and working, please use it for various purposes such as drawing illustrations, writing letters, and using it as a recipe book.
5-color leaf set that can be used for different purposes and is easy to distinguish.
This paper is designed for writing, emphasizing smoothness of the paper surface so that you can feel the ease of writing with any kind of writing instrument.
you can enjoy a writing experience that is neither too slippery nor prone to catching the pen tip. There is hardly any ink bleed-through or show-through, allowing you to use it with confidence with everything from pencils to ballpoint pens, fountain pens, and markers. It is also acid-free paper, so it offers excellent preservation properties.
At school, in business, and in private life, you use it every day, so we want you to use it with as little stress as possible.
This product is primarily made from pulp of trees planted in a planned manner. It also employs Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) bleaching, which reduces the generation of dioxins during incineration. It contributes to the reduction of environmental impact.