This item is shipped as a download card with instructions on how to download your software online and a serial code to authenticate the software license. Music Ace 2, the second title in the highly-acclaimed Music Ace series from Harmonic Vision, is designed for beginning and intermediate students. Featuring 2,000 musical examples and covering treble, alto, and bass clefs, Music Ace 2 picks up where Music Ace leaves off to introduce standard notation, rhythm, melody, harmony, intervals, and much more. Maestro Max and his choir of Singing Notes return for an encore performance with a variety of new instruments to provide students with a continuing introduction to music fundamentals and theory. Music Ace 2 continues the same fun and engaging format of 24 comprehensive lessons, challenging games and a creative composition tool. 24 engaging, self-paced lessons that accelerate development of fundamental music skills and music theory. Lessons cover: Standard notation Tempo Comparing rhythms Rhythmic dictation Echoing Counting Quarter notes Eighth notes Rests Measures All key signatures Hearing melodies Melodic contour Syncopation Half notes and ties Dotted quarter notes Sixteenth notes Rhythmic composition Time signature Major and minor scales Intro to intervals Three sounds per beat 6/8 time Intro to harmony Ear training Composing melodies Distinguishing melodies and harmonies Games: 24 exciting multi-level games (one per lesson) sharpen music skills and improve retention of important lesson concepts. Animated 3-D graphics, digitized sound effects, bonus points, and high scores provide fun, interactive entertainment. Users can select novice or advanced difficulty settings. Tracking Progress: Special feature tracks an individual’s progress through lessons and games. A “completion count” provides the number of times the user has gone through each section of a l
Date First Available : August 26, 2020
Manufacturer : Harmonic Vision
This item is shipped as a download card with instructions on how to download your software online and a serial code to authenticate the software license.
Music Ace 2, the second title in the highly-acclaimed Music Ace series from Harmonic Vision, is designed for beginning and intermediate students
Featuring 2,000 musical examples and covering treble, alto and bass clefs, Music Ace 2 picks up where Music Ace leaves off to introduce standard notation, rhythm, melody, harmony, intervals and much more
Maestro Max and his choir of Singing Notes return for an encore performance with a variety of new instruments to provide students with a continuing introduction to music fundamentals and theory
Lessons – 24 engaging, self-paced lessons that accelerate development of fundamental music skills and music theory