This best-selling guide provides a complete, practical, up-to-date introduction to network and computer security. SECURITY+ GUIDE TO NETWORK SECURITY FUNDAMENTALS, Fifth Edition, maps to the new CompTIA Security+ SY0-401 Certification Exam, providing thorough coverage of all domain objectives to help readers prepare for professional certification and career success. The text covers the essentials of network security, including compliance and operational security; threats and vulnerabilities; application, data, and host security; access control and identity management; and cryptography. The extensively updated Fifth Edition features a new structure based on major domains, a new chapter dedicated to mobile device security, expanded coverage of attacks and defenses, and new and updated information reflecting recent developments and emerging trends in information security, such as virtualization. New hands-on and case activities help readers review and apply what they have learned, and end-of-chapter exercises direct readers to the Information Security Community Site for additional activities and a wealth of learning resources, including blogs, videos, and current news and information relevant to the information security field.
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Publisher : Cengage Learning; 5th edition (August 5, 2014)
Language : English
Paperback : 608 pages
ISBN-10 : 1305093917
ISBN-13 : 978-1305093911
Item Weight : 2.67 pounds
Dimensions : 7.36 x 1.42 x 9.09 inches